Things2pin.com - Things To Simplify Your Life! Share with others anything you like. Help - Things2pin.com


What is Things2pin.com?

Things2pin.com is a tool that allows you to organize, collect, collaborate and share your things to simplify your life to the world wide web. You can also browse at other pinboards created by other members to discover new things from people who share your interests.

What is a pin?

A pin is an image added to Things2pin.com. A pin can be added to Things2pin.com in four simple ways:

Upload directly from your computer. You can upload a photo at a time and add it to the respective pinboards of your making.

Grab photos from a website. Simply enter the link or URL of the website you wish to grab photos from. Select the photos you want to add and tag the photos to the respective pinboards of your making.

Grab photo from image URL. This is one of the easiest methods to bring one of your photos over to our site, since you won’t have to upload it again. i.e. Tumblr, Flickr, Photobucket, etc.

Install our 'Things2pin.com's bookmark button for an instant one-click pin. For more information on how to install your bookmark button, click here.

What is a PinBoard?

A board is a collection/folder of pins. A board can be created on any topic, such as Shoe Lust, Street Style, or Kate Moss. You can create as many boards as you want as long as the pins are style and fashion related.

What is following?

You can follow a Things2pin.com user or even individual boards if you're only interested in seeing a user's pins to specific boards. You can unfollow boards and users at any time.

What is the difference between "liking" and "repinning"?

Liking a pin adds the photo to your profile's "Likes" section, meaning the image does not get added to one of your boards.

Repinning a photo allows you to place the photo onto one of your boards. You can edit the description of a repin. The source URL of the photo is transferred over automatically, no matter how many times it's repinned.

Pinning Photos

We want Things2pin.com to be a quality site full of quality photos.

No nudity whatsoever. Period.

How to change your profile photo

Sign into Things2pin.com and click on "Edit Profile" below your profile box. Next, click "Change Profile Photo". Click "Browse" button to select the image file you want from your computer and then click "Upload." You will see a thumbnail preview of your new image. Click "Save Profile" and your new profile photo will be active.

How to change your username

Click on "Settings" by hovering over your profile icon. Click on "Username" and type in the name you wish to change it to. You cannot change your username to an already existing name. Please note that this will change your login and your Things2pin.com URL/web address.

How to deactivate your account

Sign into Things2pin.com and below your profile box is "Edit Profile". Next, click "Delete Account". This WILL delete all of your boards and pins so think twice!

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